We've all had it...
The dreaded DOMs... Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness.
That's the technical term for what you're feeling after a tough lifting session, that feeling like you've been hit by a bus, twice.
More common in those that are new to training but still affect those of you seasoned lifters out there, DOMs tend to kick in about 2 days after a session but can also be as soon as 12-24 hours after. It's tiny little tears in muscle fibres that you've torn whilst training and is a good thing, although it might feel like something has gone horribly wrong, there is no need to call the ambulance just yet!
So, how can we minimise the impact of DOMs and crack on with daily life without having to walk like John Wayne or collapse like a sack of sh*t when we want to sit down on the toilet?
First up, don't stop moving!
Spending the day on the sofa because you're aching will likely only increase your discomfort. Take yourself out for a gentle stroll, the movement will warm your body up and have blood flowing to those torn fibres and although won't do much to speed up the process of recovery, will definitely make you feel a little less stiff!
Get some decent food on board, eat more!
You should be doing this as standard anyway but now might be a good time to give it some more attention, a plate full of nutrients in the form of protein, carbs and veggies will no doubt help speed up that recovery and have you walking normally in no time.
Sleep more! Or just better!
This is an easy win right here. Get amongst your bodies natural regen process by hitting the hay for longer (or just a better quality of the stuff). A good sleep routine won't just help with DOMs, it'll also sort you out with better muscle gaining/fat loss results longer term.
Be more consistent with your training...
Training more regularly will force your body to adapt to the demands that you're placing on it. Don't get me wrong, you need to listen to your body and if you are really struggling after your last session then chill for a day but if you're training once per week, expect to suffer on a regular basis.
So, there's a few tips that you can implement there but I have one final word on DOMs...
Do not assume that DOMs or aching muscles is the sign of a good workout. Not experiencing DOMs could suggest a number of things, you're getting stronger, you've been well fuelled, you've been more consistent, you're training smarter, etc!